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Shop By Rock Type (3901)
A (459)
Abalone (Paua Shell) (1)
Actinolite (1)
Adularia (0)
Agate (51)
Alum (3)
Amazonstone (14)
Amber (43)
Amethyst (172)
Ametrine (7)
Andalusite (4)
Angelite (11)
Anhydrite (8)
Apache Tear (3)
Apatite (6)
Apophyllite (28)
Aqua Aura (2)
Aquamarine (15)
Aragonite (24)
Arfvedsonite (3)
Arrowhead (5)
Astrophyllite (9)
Aura Quartz (8)
Aventurine (19)
Azurite (22)
B (164)
Barite (67)
Beryl (19)
Bismuth (1)
Black Onyx (2)
Black Quartz (1)
Bloodstone (6)
Blue Anhydrite (9)
Blue Quartz (18)
Bornite (6)
Botswana Agate (4)
Brecciated Jasper (1)
Brochantite (22)
Bronzite (1)
Buddstone (1)
'Bumblebee' Jasper (1)
C (319)
Cacoxinite (7)
Cactus Quartz (5)
Calcite (118)
Cancrinite (1)
Carnelian (10)
Cavansite (10)
Celestite (17)
Cerussite (5)
Chalcanthite (3)
Chalcedony (9)
Chalcopyrite (29)
Charoite (8)
Chiastolite (4)
Chrome (2)
Chrysocolla (7)
Chrysoprase (4)
Cinnabrite (1)
Citrine (36)
Clinozoisite (1)
Cobaltian Calcite (17)
Cobaltite (0)
Concretion (1)
Copper (2)
Coral (9)
Corundum (6)
Covellite (1)
Crackle Quartz (3)
Crazy Quartz (3)
D (73)
Dalmatian Jasper (6)
Danburite (0)
Dendrites (6)
Desert Glass (0)
Diopside (0)
Dioptase (8)
Dolomite (42)
Dragon Stone (3)
Dyed Agate (6)
E (30)
Elestial Quartz (18)
Emerald (4)
Epidote (6)
Epistilbite (1)
Eudialyte (1)
F (552)
'Fairy Cross' (4)
'Fairy Stone' Concretion (3)
Feldspar (56)
Fire Agate (1)
Fluorite (43)
'Fools Gold' (35)
Fossil (380)
Amber (42)
Amber with Insect (37)
Ammonite (20)
Bone (4)
Brachiopod (4)
Clam (17)
Coprolite (Fossil Dung) (11)
Coral (11)
Crinoid (8)
Ferns and Related Fauna (45)
Fish (36)
Gastropod (0)
Horn Coral (4)
Mosasaur (2)
Oreodont (0)
Orthoceras (11)
Oyster (0)
Plants (63)
Sea Urchin (12)
Shrimp (4)
Snail Fossil (2)
Sponges (0)
Stromatolite (10)
Teeth (19)
Megalodon Tooth (2)
Shark Tooth (8)
Trilobite (7)
Turritella (5)
Fuchsite (2)
Fulgurites (28)
G (127)
Galena (42)
Garnet (30)
Geode (31)
Gold (3)
Goldstone (1)
Green Quartz (4)
Gypsum (16)
H (84)
Hackmanite (3)
Halite (2)
Hawk's Eye (1)
Hematite (61)
Hemimorphite (5)
Herkimer 'Diamond' (0)
Heulandite (4)
Hiddenite (1)
Howlite (3)
Hyalite Opal (0)
Hypersthene (0)
I (8)
Idocrase (1)
Indicolite (2)
Iolite (5)
J (141)
Jade (9)
Jasper (131)
Jasper (Soapstone) Animals (94)
Jet (1)
K (34)
K2 (1)
Kambala Jasper (2)
Kunzite (6)
Kyanite (25)
L (78)
Laboratory Crystal (4)
Labradorite (14)
Lace Agate (3)
Lapis Lazuli (29)
Larimar (1)
Leopardskin Agate (6)
Leopardskin Rhyolite (5)
Lepidolite (11)
Linarite (0)
Lodestone (0)
M (115)
Magnesite (2)
Magnetite (6)
Malachite (14)
Manganocalcite (6)
Marcasite (37)
Megalodon Tooth (2)
Merlinite aka Indigo Gabbro (3)
Meteorite (0)
Mica (16)
Mixed Stones (13)
Molybdenite (0)
Mook Jasper (Mookite) (3)
Moonstone (6)
Moqui Marble (0)
Morganite (4)
Moss Agate (1)
Mozarkite (0)
Mugglestone (1)
N (6)
Nazca Stones (0)
Nephrite (4)
Niobium (2)
O (52)
Obsidian (15)
Ocean Jasper (4)
Onyx (3)
Opal (19)
Opalite (5)
Optical Calcite (2)
Orpiment (4)
P (123)
Peacock Copper (7)
Pentagonite (1)
Peridot (5)
Perthite (1)
Petalite (1)
Petrified Wood (7)
Phosphosiderite (0)
Picasso Marble (1)
Picture Rock (2)
Pietersite (5)
Pink Opal (9)
Polychrome Jasper (6)
Prairie Tanzanite (2)
Prasiolite (6)
Prehnite (5)
Psilomelane (1)
Pumice (2)
Pyrite (53)
Pyrolusite (7)
Q (647)
Quartz (647)
Black Quartz (1)
Blue Quartz (14)
Clear Quartz (90)
Crystal Quartz (62)
Crystal Clusters (42)
Doubly Terminated (45)
Dyed Quartz (0)
Quartz Geodes (1)
Green Quartz (5)
Included Quartz (130)
Laboratory Quartz (2)
Quartz Phantoms (33)
Red Quartz (18)
Rose Quartz (28)
Rutilated Quartz (44)
Smoky Quartz (113)
Tourmalinated Quartz (2)
R (164)
Rainbow Quartz (3)
Rhodonite (5)
Rhyolite (18)
Rose Quartz (30)
Ruby (9)
Rutile (40)
Rutilated Quartz (44)
Realgar (0)
S (484)
Salt (0)
Sandstone (37)
Sardonyx (2)
Scheelite (2)
Schorl (39)
Scolecite (2)
Selenite (22)
Septarian Agate (9)
Seraphinite (3)
Serpentine (9)
Shark Tooth (7)
Shattuckite (8)
Shiva Lingam Stones (6)
Shungite (5)
Silicon Carbide (4)
Silver (3)
Skutterudite (1)
Smithsonite (1)
Smoky Quartz (110)
Snowflake Obsidian (6)
Soapstone (94)
Sodalite (12)
Spectrolite (4)
Spessartine Garnet (6)
Sphalerite (38)
Sphene (1)
Spodumene (5)
Staurolite (5)
Stibnite (8)
Stichtite (2)
Stilbite (19)
Stonehenge Stone (1)
Sugilite (0)
Sulfur (7)
Sunstone (5)
T (138)
Tangerine Quartz (28)
Tanzanite (5)
Tektite (4)
Thulite (2)
Tigereye (14)
Titanium (5)
Topaz (9)
Tourmaline (52)
Travertine Onyx (0)
Tree Agate (1)
Turquesite (3)
Turquois (8)
Turritella (5)
TV Rock (1)
U (6)
Ulexite (1)
Unakite (5)
UV Lights (0)
V (39)
Vanadinite (31)
Variscite (1)
Vivianite (7)
W (3)
Wavellite (1)
Wulfenite (2)
Y (1)
Z (54)
Zebrastone (14)
Zeolites (35)
Zincite (0)
Zoisite (5)
Shop By Location (187)
Viburnum Trend, Missouri (40)
Hardin County, Illinois (20)
Mexican Minerals (128)
Shop by Category
Tumble Polished Stones (329)
Standard Varieties (89)
Exotic Varieties (234)
Tumbled Stone in Bulk (Larger Quantities) (3)
Spheres, Crystals, Eggs, Obelisks, etc (749)
Polished Points (320)
Amazonstone Polished Points (2)
Amethyst Polished Points (55)
Aragonite Polished Points (6)
Black Tourmaline (Schorl) Polished Points (15)
Black Tourmaline (Schorl) in Feldspar Polished Points (5)
Blue Quartz Polished Points (9)
Citrine Polished Points (7)
Clear Quartz Polished Points (25)
Dendritic Feldspar Polished Points (4)
Doubly Terminated Points (20)
Golden Healer Polished Points (11)
Included Quartz Polished Points (28)
Orange Calcite Polished Points (5)
Phantom Polished Points (18)
Platinum Blue Calcite Polished Points (15)
Psychedelic Quartz Polished Points (11)
Red Aventurine Polished Points (1)
Rose Quartz Polished Points (7)
Rutilated Polished Points (15)
Smoky Quartz Polished Points (24)
Other Shapes & Stones (21)
Polished Freeforms (63)
Phantom Freeforms (4)
Rutilated Freeforms (15)
Included Freeforms (14)
Amethyst Freeforms (12)
Smoky Quartz Freeforms (12)
Natural Crystals (118)
Elestial Quartz (26)
Spheres (123)
Eggs (22)
Hearts (11)
Pendulums, Vogels & Massage Tools (39)
Obelisks & Pyramids (8)
Slices, Freeforms & Cabs (22)
Animal Carvings & Figurines (149)
Other (6)
Peru Birds (2)
Soapstone (135)
Soapstone Animals - Medium (46)
Soapstone Animals - Small (88)
Soapstone Animals - Large (1)
Clearance Items (461)
Jewelry (78)
Bracelets (0)
Earrings (0)
Keychains (4)
Necklaces (20)
Fashion (8)
Souvenir (7)
Gemstone Animal Necklace (0)
Pendants (29)
Rings (23)
Boxes, Bowls, Vases, etc. (91)
Agate Products (11)
Selenite Products (6)
Mineral Specimens (1244)
Mineral Specimens (859)
Exotic Mineral Specimens (753)
Amazonstone (12)
Amethyst (23)
Amethyst Cathedrals (5)
Aquamarine (8)
Aragonite (11)
Astrophyllite (9)
Azurite (11)
Barite (25)
Black Phantom Calcite (3)
Black Quartz (2)
Botryoidal Agate (0)
Brochantite (16)
Cactus Quartz (16)
Calcite (58)
Calcite 'Sand Crystals' (4)
Cavansite (6)
Celestite (14)
Cerussite (3)
Chalcopyrite (6)
Cinnabar (2)
Cobaltian Calcite (26)
Dioptase (12)
Dolomite (6)
Emerald (7)
Fluorite (37)
Galena (26)
Garnet (14)
Gold (1)
Hübnerite (5)
Indicolite (7)
Kunzite (6)
Linarite (4)
Magnetite (1)
Malachite (16)
Marcasite (14)
Orpiment (5)
Pentagonite (1)
Pyrite (26)
Quartz (67)
Rhodochrosite (9)
Rutile (12)
Selenite (2)
Shattuckite (6)
Silicon Carbide (10)
Silver (2)
Smithsonite (1)
Sphalerite (34)
Staurolite (5)
Stibnite (14)
Sulfur (6)
Topaz (6)
Tourmaline (15)
Turquois (7)
Vanadinite (27)
Vivianite (4)
Wavellite (14)
Zeolites (37)
Standard Specimens (56)
One of a Kind (50)
Gift Box Minerals & Fossils (383)
Small (113)
Medium (146)
Large (121)
Lab Grown Crystals (67)
Bismuth (1)
Chalcanthite (3)
Silicon Carbide (7)
Aura Quartz Crystals (30)
Fluorescent Minerals (86)
Fossil Specimens (409)
Exotic Fossils (314)
Amber with Insects (88)
Ammonites (30)
Opalized Ammonites (4)
Calcite Clams (3)
Small (1)
Medium (0)
Large (0)
XLarge (2)
Crinoid Fossils (1)
Fern Fossil (74)
Fossil Fish, A Grade (53)
Megalodon Tooth (23)
Oreodont Skulls (0)
Shrimp (4)
Turritella (11)
Standard Fossils (95)
Amber (5)
Ammonites (4)
Coprolite ( Fossil Dung ) (5)
Orthoceras (11)
Shark Teeth (7)
Trilobites (5)
Leaf & Plant Fossils (46)
Bulk Minerals & Fossils (834)
Weighed Bags (76)
Natural Stones A-D (20)
Natural Stones E - L (13)
Natural Stones M - P (6)
Natural Stones Q - T (36)
Natural Stones U - Z (0)
Counted Bags or Boxes (70)
By The Flat (681)
Larger Quantities (7)
Science Center Products (107)
Polished Stone in Counted Bags (45)
Natural Stones in Counted Bags (44)
Fossils in Counted Bags (7)
Kid & Souvenir Jewelry (2)
Gemstone Animal Necklace (0)
Displays & Supplies (38)
Bags, Cord, Glue, etc. (10)
Display Easels (14)
Egg & Sphere Displays (11)
Odds & Ends (11)
Warehouse Pickup or Truck Freight Only (1)
Info Cards (0)
Upcoming Gem Shows (3)
Shop By Rock Type
Peacock Copper
Petrified Wood
Picasso Marble
Picture Rock
Pink Opal
Polychrome Jasper
Prairie Tanzanite
Individual Products
Purpurite, Medium, Gift Box - 5 Pieces
Purpurite, Small, Gift Box - 5 Pieces
Shopping Basket
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US Dollars
Featured Product
Purpurite, Small, Gift Box - 5 Pieces
Popular Products
Soapstone Animal, Large
Clearance Tumbled Stone By The Kilo
Faceted Pendulum
Rainbow Bismuth Crystal
Malachite, Tumble Polished - 1/5 Pound
Amber with Insects
Shark Tooth Cord Necklace - 10 Pieces
Selenite "Fairy Wand"
Amethyst, Tumble Polished, GeoCenter Size - 100 Pieces
Soapstone Cat, Small - 5 Pieces
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